

  • HCCPS.jpg

    Dr. G. Rajeswari

    M.Com., M.B.A., Ph.D.

    Head of Commercial and Computer Practice Section

  • ecehod.jpg

    Dr. G. Padmavathi

    M.Tech., Ph.D.

    Head of Electronics and Communication Engineering Section

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    U. Prameela

    M.C.A, M. Tech.

    Head of Computer Engineering Section

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    P. Srinivas


    Head of Civil Engineering Section

Administrative Officer's

  • D. V. Chalapathi


    Administrative Officer

Office Superintendent

  • T. Kalpana


    Office Superintendent

Hostel Manager

  • S. Prasad


    Hostel Manager

    • Dr Ch MURALI KRISHNA (Principal) - Epilate Authority
    • Dr G RAJESWARI (HCCPS) - Public Information Officer
    • Dr Ch MURALI KRISHNA (Principal) - Anti-Ragging Committee
    • Dr G PADMAVATHI (HECES) - Anti-Ragging Squad
    • Dr G RAJESWARI (HCCPS) - Anti-Ragging Squad
    • P.SRINIVAS (HCES) - Anti-Ragging Committee
    • U.PRAMEELA (HCMES) - Anti-Ragging Committee
    • B.RAMA SUDHEERA (Sr.Lecturer) - Anti-Ragging Committee
    • P.PREETHI VERONICA (Eng. Lecturer) - Anti-Ragging Committee
    • S. PRASAD (Hostel Manager) - Anti-Ragging Squad
    • Smt. G. RAJESWARI (HCCPS) - Chairperson
    • Smt. K. SARADA (L/ECE) - Member
    • Smt. CH. SWARNA LATHA (L/CE) - Member
    • Smt. L. MOHANA TIRUMALA (L/CME) - Member
    • Smt. T. KALPANA (Office Supdt.) - Member